Elite Events for the Housing Industry
Naylor Exchange Events
Exclusive Curated Audience
Unparalleled Access to Key Industry Suppliers
Private Resort Locations
No Cost for Qualified Builders
Months of Meetings Streamlined into 2 Productive Days
What fellow suppliers are saying about the Multifamily Exchange
It was a nice change to the typical trade shows we attend. The networking opportunities are priceless.
Shea Homes
The developing relationships are very educational and provide excellent revenue opportunities. An impactful experience!
NationWide Contractors’ Alliance
Exchange Events provide some of our best leads every year in terms of prospects who eventually become customers.
The format of having roundtable discussions with suppliers directly is extremely conducive to developing partnerships. This event structure surpasses any benefit that a trade show can ever offer.
EPX Construction
A diverse group of developers that are all qualified and open to partner. Always a great event!
What we need today is not necessarily what we need tomorrow. These events afford us the ability to establish and maintain those relationships within a consolidated format.
Stanley Martin
The ability to meet with this quantity of customers in two days is highly efficient and great for building relationships.
Great opportunity to communicate directly to specifically address project delivery needs for our builds.
Picard Assocaites, Inc.